Co-operatives SW’s Board is a steering group elected by its members at each AGM. The Board meets every few months (generally by tele-conference) and takes care of regular business. We welcome members’ input to Co-operatives South West’s work, particularly regarding ways in which we can engage with co-operatives in the region. Feedback from our Steering Group and members informs our strategy for the year.
The Board currently comprises:
- Brian Titley (Co operative Assistant Network)
- Paul Martin (Social Economy and Co-op Development Cornwall)
- Jean Nunn-Price (The Midcounties Co-operative)
- Amber Vincent-Prior (The Southern Co-operative)
- The Zebra Collective as a corporate director (rep: Chelvi Chelvanayagam or Marc Gardiner)
- Chair
- Marc Gardiner
- Vice Chair
- Amber Vincent-Prior
- Secretary
- Paul Martin