Co-operatives South West is run by its members. Any co-operative or mutual enterprise that supports the objects may become a member.
Where possible, we aim to seek extra financial support to help us to achieve more for, and on behalf of, all co-ops in the region. Any donations to Co-operatives South West from supportive co-operative organisations are always very much appreciated.
A strong membership creates synergy between co-operatives in the region, increasing trade between organisations that share a similar ideology, whatever their business or service.
Members have a right to vote at our AGM and influence our policy and activities. You might also wish to join our Board/Steering Group to take a more active role.
Directory of Co-ops and Mutuals in the South West
Members of Co-operatives South West are tagged in our directory of co-ops and mutuals in this region. Contact details can be updated by the co-ops themselves by using the form below – or if you’re a newly formed co-op and not listed, please get in touch with us.